Tufina family photo from the 1940s showcasing Bahri Tufina's long watchmaking history Tufina family photo from the 1940s showcasing Bahri Tufina's long watchmaking history


Expanding into Women’s Watches

Sharing the experience of our watches is integral to the upkeep of our centuries-old tradition. The gentleman’s timepiece can be part of anyone’s life, anyone who preserves the aesthetic, modern and scientific values of a skeletal wristwatch like ours. Tufina Watches features two special lines of watches,The Lady Butterfly and The Madame Butterfly to women who desire the spectacular design, intricacy and sturdiness of the mechanical watches we have come to perfect. Their lens carry a sapphire coat and come with genuine leather bands. Their uniqueness is second to none.

Ladies, too, can take advantage of the self-sustaining winding infrastructure of our timepieces. For long and for the foreseeable future, our inspiration comes from generations of value for the stylish gentleman. It is within our dream to be able to provide the same interaction that a man can have with his watch, to a stylish, modern, refined lady.

Flag of Germany
Made in Germany
hand assembled
2 years warranty
2-Years Warranty
Limited Stock
Limited Stock

We are the Official Retailer Store for Theorema and Pionier German watches.